Metal Form Products Co. Ltd. located at:
6-1734 Orangebrook Court Pickering, Ontario, L1W 3G8


Located in Pickering, Ontario, Safety Blocks is a subsidiary of Metal Form Products Co. Ltd. and a leading manufacturer of Safety Ram Blocks across North America and Europe. 

Some companies take more of an "assembly line" approach and are unable to accommodate smaller projects. With our hands-on-approach and attention to detail Metal Form Products Co. can cater to smaller shops that have lower volumes, but still want that high quality end product that we are able to deliver.

With years of experience in the manufacturing industry, we understand our customer's needs and industry requirements.


This memo is to recommend to you Metal Form Products Ltd. We have worked extensively with both Rob Fleming and Tom Terzakis over the last two years and found them in all ways both professional and extremely committed to our project. Metal Form is supplying Global File with all components required to bring our brake and punch presses into compliance with CSA Z-142 02. They have trained our people to do the installations and are ever ready to assist if we have problems. This project w...

Wm. Ewens
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Metal Form Products
Co. Ltd.

6-1734 Orangebrook Court
Pickering, Ontario, L1W 3G8

TELEPHONE : (1) 905-831-1111

TOLL FREE : 1-888-285-8885